Here's What Happened


Earlier I posted a YouTube video of snowing February 27, 2020. I removed it because I had a hissy fit after seeing an ad for kids' games on Youtube using a photo of a woman with her well formed rear end facing the camera, soft porn obvious 100% inappropriate. 

I reported the ad. 

Then I did a search for YouTube and such ads. Apparently disgusting ads, videos and shorts are not new to YouTube. I've seen that myself when not logged into my account, Youtube porn videos open to the general public. To be fair, YouTube has removed content that violates their policies. Why an obviously soft porn ad missed the censors is a mystery to me.

I deleted all my catgegories, watch history and Watch Later videos. Now I'm all alone with my own YouTube videos. In protest, I'm not watching YouTube today. Then I got to thinking. Who benefits from trashing YouTube? What is the biggest competition YouTube has? Ah, tic tok? Hmmm? 

P.S. First Microsoft security alert my computer has been locked due to somebody using my IP Address. I click on something on facebook, an article about an actor couple lost in a house fire. Article has a big house fire image.


  1. Cyber security is concerning. And I agree with you about the horribleness of soft porn on Youtube. I find it dreadful.

  2. Lorrie.
    You can set ad preferences on Youtube. I'm not sure how well it works though. I do know that without signing in, some videos can be quite disgusting.

  3. I rarely watch anything on Youtube so I guess I'm not aware of the questionable content there. I guess it's everywhere because there's always that faction of perverts that insist on spoiling things for the rest of us.

  4. Maryanne,
    Unfortunately, many of those perverts are regular people that enjoy adult content.
    I think the problems with pushing soft porn on the Internet are from overseas sources.

  5. I had that article about the couple dying in a house fire... more than once. But, I didn't click on it. I've about learned to never open anything you are not totally comfortable with. It seems the tech world has spun out of control...

  6. Latane,
    Spot on, the tech world is out of control.

  7. I think it was yesterday I was surprised by an add for a video game where a computer generated woman warrior was obviously bare chested. It was blurred on my end, but her nudity was obvious, nonetheless, and clearly feel into the category of pornography, and the sexual activity that went on didn't appear very "soft" to me. I don't know which to be more disheartened with - that these ads appear unwelcome on our screens for several seconds before we can click them off, or that these are the images that fill video games for anyone (but especially young people) to be entertained by.

  8. Becki,
    The whole sex sells thing has gone far beyond decency. Why censors aren't stopping the obviously peddling to minors is very disturbing.


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