Sunday, April 14, 2024

Baked Kale Chips

Baked Kale Chips & Garlic Powder

The first time making baked kale chips with garlic powder is probably my last.

They are a fun texture to eat.

They are not a fun flavor. Note, that my sense of smell and taste has been greatly limited since the covid booster in 2022. Sadly, I was able to taste the kale chips.

I had to shovel them in, chew, and chase with spring water in order to tolerate them.

I didn't use any oil, just wash and bake on low.

I might use them crushed up to add to another veggie or salad. 



  1. I dislike kale. However the only way I can tolerate it is in chip form. I like the texture.

    1. Graham.
      Tolerate is a keyword with kale. The kale chip texture is captivating though.
      I'm on the hunt for a glass jar to store crushed kale chips.

  2. I don't like kale. I don't care how many people tell me I should. You gave it a fair try. Maybe crushed into soup would work, too?

    1. Liz,
      It is a mystery why folks rave about kale. The spines, when not removed, are like wood in a salad from the deli.
      You have the right idea. Crushed up into soup, I can pretend the flakes are parsely just to easy my mind for the uncomfortable kale chip experience.

  3. I've really tried to like kale. It's not happening!

    1. Jeanie,
      We are all thus far in agreement that kale is not a favorite.
      And here I've been saying for years lima beans are evil. Kale is gaining on lima beans for me.

  4. Can't convince RC to even consider kale. We tried it a couple times but he put his foot down and so I guess I won't be trying baked kale chips.

    1. Maryanne,
      RC isn't far off kale being a no. It is a hassle to prepare and doesn't have the flavor to make it worth the trouble.
      Dandelion or collard greens are a better choice, easier to prepare, and they taste better.

    2. One thing I will say about kale - if you remove the 'spines' it works well in a caesar salad and doesn't wilt if you don't happen to eat it all in one sitting.

  5. I cannot eat kale chips. You are brave to try!

    1. Marie,
      Brave only because I didn't realize how awful they are. lol

  6. I wouldn't make kale chips again either ~ lol ~ crunchy though ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days.
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Carol,
      Dandelion, collared greens and watercress, when I can find them, will be my go to greens. I'm tired of spinach.

  7. Have never heard of baked kale chips. They don't sound too good. But it's nice that you always experiment and try different things. I've been eating lots of salads lately, but mine are the traditional, lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, and eggs. ; )

    Have a splendid week.


    1. Sheri,
      The thing about salads is all that chopping.
      It is nice to have the chopped stuff in a container ready to toss with greens.

  8. Thanks to you and all the others who voiced their opinion on kale chips, which frankly didn't interest me before and definitely not now. That said, I have had kale cooked and served with beans or used in soups. it was at least tolerable then.

    1. Beatrice,
      Kale in soup is tolerable.That's where the rest of the kale I bought is going.


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