Reflection Monday April 2024

I've thought for weeks this one has to be something profound, deep thinking, pulled from the depths of  Earth's health, all the spheres. Whatever it is that I'm hoping to find, is not revealing itself. I want to vent about something. I want to post something that will make a difference. I think, ponder, mull, think, contemplate, search again and again over the weeks.


What does the World need?



  1. The world needs more compassion.....and love. And we need to help others more too. It gives those a sense of relief, and it gives us a sense of purpose. We are here on this earth to help one another. Don't stress on posting something profound. Sometimes the world needs to see something whimsical, as they have many burdens and troubles.

    Happy April days, friend.


    1. Happy April Sheri!
      Wise words

      Can you believe we are into the 4th month of 2024, winter is over, and spring, despite a snowfall here and there, is going well.

  2. I have to ditto Sheri's says it all - especially more love to others. Love your photo Maywyn. It truly says spring. Hugs!

    1. Hugs, Debbie
      That photo is one of my very favorite.

  3. April has come in with overdone showers: three days of continuous rain forecast!

    1. Liz,
      We have snow in the forecast. I planted some pansies anyway.

  4. Tolerance. We all need to learn the meaning of that word and expand on it by practicing it.


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