Enjoy the Beautiful Weather


Along Route 17 in Addison, Vermont looking towards the Adirondack Mountains. The weather is beautiful. Lots of folks out and about.

Enjoy your day no matter what the weather is like.


  1. It is lovely here too! Enjoy!

  2. It looks like a very nice day to spend time in nature. It was chilly today, after weeks of warm weather.

    Have a wonderful week ahead.


  3. Anonymous17 June, 2024

    Hello Marie and Sheri
    Testing if I can leave comments again
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. It's so important to enjoy our day no matter what the weather is like.
    We've had sunshine today.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      Glad y'all has sunshine. I don't fret as much when it rains if we've had good weather days.


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