Thinking Again

Autumn in the Vermont Woods

    This time of year, anxiety about missing the best foliage colors kicks in. I feel the urge to plan, makes lists, update passwords, clean out closets, and shop for a nifty tweed blazer and colorful scarf. Always there is an image building in my mind about what to wear when I go out and about to take pictures in the fall.

Am I shallow to focus on clothes? Nah. How we dress helps us embrace the atmosphere of the season. Dressing well is important. 

This year, however, the tweed blazer has to go by the wayside because I will not pay hundreds of dollars for that perfect one new; and thrift stores rarely have what I am looking for. Buy fabric to make one is silly because the tweed I like just is not out there. 

What to do? Think. How can I achieve the same look without a tweed blazer? Easy, change my mind to another look. Corduroy is a perfect fabric for a stylish warmth vibe. Even a denim barn coat with a neat tweedy scarf can channel a tweed feeling.

Thus, a size up corduroy jacket over a warm bulky sweater over a plaid flannel shirt with jeans and hiking boots is my look for Autumn 2024. 

Do you style your look for the season? 

Have a favorite jacket?


  1. It sounds very good. Also doable.

    1. Hi Liz,
      Doable, yes. The corduroy jacket and hiking boots are in the closet as I type awaiting a chilly fall day.

  2. Great thinking about how to get the look you want and can afford for fall. I am putting away summer things and thinking about what I need for autumn these days. Of course, it might warm up again and be warm until the middle of October!

    1. Lorrie,
      The forecast into October shows temperatures colder at night and still fairly warm in the day for New England. I used AccuWeather for the monthly forecast.

  3. Beautiful Autumn colours in your photograph.
    I just have a slightly thicker jacket I tend to wear in the Autumn and I team it with Autumnal colour scarves.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      Scarves go a long way to pulling an outfit together.
      I changed mine to match the colors I'm wearing.

  4. I just like my sweatshirts for Autumn. Good luck on finding your tweed.Janice

    1. Janice,
      Sweatshirts are so comfortable. I have a couple of jacket style to wear. I found a few tweed blazers on traditional clothing store websites that are reasonably priced.

  5. So so beautiful!! (Sketchbook Wandering)

  6. I guess I do somewhat dress for the season and autumn being a favorite makes me like to pull out oranges and browns to wear. For the most part though I am a jean and sweater gal this time of the year. I like your idea of a corduroy jacket and hiking boots. Hope your September brings you lovely weather and beautiful foliage. Hugs!

    1. Hugs Debbie!
      So far, the weather forecast for the leaf peeping season looks good, no major rainstorms to wash it all away.

  7. Oh! I just saw your text! I adore thinking about clothes and fashion. Being an older woman has its advantages as I know what my style is at this point. It is fun to change with the seasons!

    1. Being older does have its perks. Soft and comfy are the goals for my clothes.

  8. It sounds warm and cozy! I wear whatever I have that is clean, warm and comfortable. I am so out of style…

  9. You're not silly about clothes! And I know what you mean about the tweed but I think corduroy is lovely. We'll miss color here. I hope we see some in England.

    1. Jeanie,
      I suspect there will be color in the UK. The northern parts I've read are getting cold already. The fun about the internet travel wise, social media has folks on the ground posting about the weather.

  10. I can picture 'the look' and it's something I know I'd like. Sadly, buying any sort of jacket is pretty much impossible for me because they are never long enough in the sleeves. One of the drawbacks from being tall. I've discovered (much to my financial dismay) that Eddie Bauer has tall sizes and ordered a puffer jacket for travel and am pleased that it actually fits. Have another on order for the RC and fingers crossed for a good fit for him too. Good thing I don't have to buy jackets very often because I'd have to get a job to pay for them!

    1. Maryanne, is worth a look at for shopping as the prices and variety are good. I've had good luck there.

  11. I like how you mix and match with your clothes. It sounds like you like to dress nicely. Oh, I look forward to seeing the Autumn in your Vermont. Thank you for sharing a little of it with this picture in the woods.


    1. Sheri,
      Hopefully, there will be lots of foliage photos this year. I checked the long range forecast for those awful rain and windy storms that can ruins a good peak foliage season.
      The first half of October looks good.


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