Day 299 of Week 43 October 2024

Going through Blogger photo files is a unique journey through the that last 16 plus years of blogging. There are pictures I don't remember the year, but clearly remember taking them.

The above photo, for example, is a view from the parking lot at the Robert Frost Interpretative Trail. There is an unfinished painting of the scene among my too many other unfinished canvases. 

It is good that I am painting again.

Also, I'm presently learning how to crochet a winter hat. Thus far, my effort looks like a mini sun hat with a pronounced dome. That is the result of not reading the directions. I will take out the stitches and start over.
The idea is to have a knitting and crochet project handy to work on each day. Waiting for laundry or dinner in the oven is just enough time to do several rows. 

I've sat outdoors during the beautiful warm weather we've been having here in New England. I take photos of clouds, watch birds fly by and daydream. As with blogging, a subject I try to not think about when enjoying Nature, is the current political landscape going on in America.

Please, do not under value the danger America is facing if the felon is elected. Many may like his policies, but at what price.

I am resolved to accept whoever wins the presidential election. 
It is important that Americans stand strong and united. 

Stop the bickering. Help America remain great. 

Remain...because America has always been great!



Have a Great Weekend!


Dance outdoors to the radio
Read about the history of fiber
Have tuna sandwiches & chocolate milk
Sketch your dream cabin in the woods
Draw your hand cream container
Wash your vehicle's interior windows 
Write a scary story
Crochet something


  1. Such a gorgeous photo.

    It sounds like you have great hobbies on-going these days. Wonderful!

    1. Marie,
      Love your autumn photos of PEI

      The crochet project continues. I started a piece for practice before I attempt the winter hat pattern.

  2. Oh lovely Autumn photo and great to hear you are painting again ~ good weekend suggestions too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Carol,
      Your recent dog photo melts the heart.


  3. What a pretty photo with glorious Autumn colors. Be sure to show us your crocheted winter hat when it's finished. Tuna sandwiches are one of my favorites for lunch. Put a few barbecue chips on my plate, and I'm satisfied. ; ) Finding unique photos when going through your photo files sounds like a fun project.


    1. Sheri,
      The tuna sandwiches on toasted bread are the best. Egg salad the same. Toasted bread makes sandwiches tastier.

  4. The trees in your photograph here are fabulous.
    Happy weekend wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Happy Weekend Jan!

      This year I missed peak at that parking lot. The trees have also changed over the years. Parking in the same place has been like arriving to see a good friend.

  5. That's a beautiful photo - such intense colours! Autumn really puts on a show.

    1. Lorrie,
      The foliage here in Vermont this year have been vibrant to the max. Some of the reds are just dazzling.

  6. Hi May -- a quick check in. I've missed your blog but back now and after the next couple of weeks (see my post for reason) I'll be back in full. Loved this post and you are right about the election but boy, it's scary. It was good to be away for three weeks of relentless ads, hate and misinformation coming through. Very scary. LOVE your glorious color! And eager to see your painting again.

    1. Jeanie,
      I love reading your update. Sorry you have so much to sort out on the return home,
      Get your rest and enjoy what's left of autumn!

  7. Such a marvelous wood with its orange and yellow leaves! Beautiful photo.
    I've just found your blog via Lowcarb team member's website.

    1. Hello and welcome Giorgio

      Your blog post with the yellow Vespa is amazing.


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