Password & Email Maintenance

Clearing out folders, changing passwords, and sorting photos was a monthly event for me that took hours, sometimes days. Files and photos, I feel, no longer require monthly sorting. Maintaining good password health, however, is always a priority.

In the early days of Ebay when, I believe, a lot of people were getting online, a unique password for each website one registered with was popular with some people. (Moi) A one password for all probably isn't a good security system. Writing down passwords in a tabbed address book is an easy way to keep track of that important information. 

Some tips I use for passwords:

  1.   Use unique passwords for everything 
  2.   Always write passwords in a notebook 
  3.   Add date of creation and changes
  4.   Never save passwords online
  5.   Minimum 12 various characters long
  6.   Never use personal information, name, dates, etc.
  7.   Refresh by logging in monthly
  8.   Note the website for each password
  9.   Keep old password books for a few years

Tips for email addresses:
  1. Write down email address in the password notebook
  2. Categorize email addresses for family, websites, friends, etc. 

