Day 11 of Week 2 January 2025

Hello 2025

A texture of events greets us this new year with more sorrow than happiness. The wildfires in California are heart breaking in ways that cast shadows over what joy we may feel. Prayers and help are much needed.

The weather in New England is typical of the Northeastern United States. While there has not been very deep snow out my door, I expect Old Man Winter will have a few snowstorms to spare for here. 
My focus is to stay in the house as much as possible. It is a challenge to see how many trips to the store I don't have to make.

The blog breaks I've been taking have been restful. I haven't been taking many photos, celebrating the holidays much, writing, painting or going out and about visiting places. Excitement is on the level of finding an unopened bottle of blackberry brandy tucked in the corner of a lower cabinet and fixing a few technical computer issues on my own.  Oh, and putting effort into knowing what day it is in case the trunk of the car hits me on the head really hard, and I have to tell somebody what day it is. (They always ask.) The trunk slowly lowers after I lift it up. It's an ongoing learning process for me to get out of the way in time. 

A Funny. I was kneeling on the ground to access the back of the driver's seat floor where my key blade fell. Neighbors only saw my boots and butt sticking out of my vehicle. Thinking I fell, they were approaching and shouting out asking me if I was all right. At first I had no idea what they appeared so alarmed. We laughed. 😂

Next week's post is about bird watching...Birds Are Slobs

Have a Funtastic Weekend!

Read a good book
Bake apple strudel
Sing to a favorite window view
Count your mittens & gloves
Browse wicker baskets online
Plan a spring excursion
Recite a Robert Burns poem aloud


  1. It has been a very hard week and I've had trouble being motivated to do what I need to do...all the extra jobs around the house. But I'm happy for my blogs to visit and good friends like you! Hugs, Diane

    1. Hugs Diane!
      Your recent blog hike post brightens my day.
      Those monsters in the woods are for real. I see some around here as well. lol

  2. I hate shopping so weeks between such visits are planned in the new year. Three weeks since our last shopping when we went yesterday. Other than a walk in nature, I plan to stay cozy inside most days. Let’s hope anyway.

    Enjoy the remainder of January!

    1. Marie,
      Three weeks! Y'all are shopping champions!
      Hope is good.
      A week for me is a worthy goal.
      Packing a lunch the night before, I think, will help decrease my shopping trips.

  3. There is always something that needs attending ~ don't enjoy grocery shopping at all ~ so bored with same ole same ole ~ oh well ~
    Have two good books that I am enjoying~ by Rosamunde Pilcher so that is good for the winter and walking, weather permitting ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Hugs Carol
      Reading good books makes the cold of winter tolerable.
      At 29ºF this morning, walking here is limited to a puttering pace indoors.

  4. I'm more than happy to stay home when it's cold (well, truthfully I'm more than happy to stay home ALL the time) so shopping trips are few and far between. Covid brought about curb side pickup for groceries and I'm very happy to continue doing that. Grocery shopping is a most-hated thing so having someone else do it for me for the princely sum of $1 is a wonderful thing. The only other store we frequent regularly is Canadian Tire and they have a web site that tells you what aisle things you need are in so it's a fast in-and-out for me.

    1. Maryanne,
      Good point. Curbsides pick grocery shopping is worth considering. I see the clerks at the store shopping all the time.
      I feel silly just thinking about how happy that makes me. When I walk into the store, I feel confident I will leave without candy or Debbie cakes. :)

  5. You have good neighbors to call out to you to see if you are Ok. Yes, So. California is blazing right now, and prayers help tremendously. I love your snow pictures. ; )


    1. Sheri,
      Prayers daily. The devastation is heart breaking.

  6. I'm with you on staying in, venturing out only when necessary. I'm glad your neighbors look out for you!

    1. Jeanie,
      Unfortunately as we age, falls are too common. Slow as you go is the elderly pace mantra.


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