Making Egg Salad a Day Too Early

    There are few people that will disagree, I'm guessing, that hazards in the World are everywhere. For balance, this is about a hazard on the less significant side of the hazard spectrum.

Was Egg Salad
    This winter I decide that each week I will have a moment in the outdoors while having a coffee, snack or lunch. Instead of a mat on the floor to meditate or a comfy chair to space out in, being in the fresh air, looking around, thinking about my relationship with Nature will recharge my soul's energy.

    In a good mood from the bright sunshine today, I made a batch of egg salad with the intent of making a sandwich for lunch tomorrow outdoors.

    The hazard is making the sandwich filling too soon. 

    I notice I've had no meal yet today. In the fridge is a nice container of wonderful egg salad. The results are in the photo here.

To my credit, there are two hard boiled eggs left for tomorrow's lunch. 


  1. Yes, we all prepare food for the next day, and end up eating it that same day because it looks so wonderfully good. That happens a lot around Thanksgiving time. What a great idea to have your coffee or lunch in the outdoors. That will definitely get you in touch with nature. It's been sunny here too, and January is supposed to be a mild month. Thank you for your prayers for the fires.


    1. Sheri,
      Prayers for California continue
      So true making lunch ahead! 🤣
      Cranberry sauce, turkey and dressing sandwiches are a favorite. One will be perfect for a winter outdoors lunch. lol
      Salty Pumpkin aka May

  2. A great idea to be outside in the winter. I need to purposefully set a time like that. I get cabin fever so bad. So you can always make egg salad with 2 eggs!

    1. Debbie,
      Today is dreary for an outdoor lunch. A short walk instead will be nice. I watch wild camping videos on Youtube to help with cabin fever. Outdoor Gear Review, AB Camping and Simone, a Bloke in the Woods are among my favorites.

  3. We had egg salad today for lunch and it was good.

    1. Bill,
      Toasted bread and chocolate milk are perfect for egg salad sandwiches.

  4. HaHaHa! I love egg salad too. Save me a spoonful! Hugs!

    1. Diane,
      A salad spoonful for you!

  5. It's nice to be outdoors ... and I'm sure that egg salad was delicious :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      I use tarter sauce for egg salad instead of mayo for enhanced flavor.

  6. That is a wonderful idea! Love it…the egg salad and the picnic, not eating the picnic fixings too early! Lol.

    1. Marie,
      Making more today to watch the snow on the way falling. Sandwich will stay dry that way. lol

  7. What a good idea to spend time outside in the winter simply for the sake of the experience and for meditating. It also sounds brave since I'm sure it's very cold where you are. It is here!

    1. Becki,
      Thankfully the cold has not been a damp one. Windy for wind chill though as it has been below freezing.
      Stay warm

  8. I fear that with the same temptation, my reaction would have been the same as I too am an egg salad fan.

    1. Beatrice,
      Egg salad is so easy to digest that it practically begs one to have it right away. lol

  9. I need to go back to low carb again and this egg salad will be a really good one to make up. Thanks for the suggestion.

  10. Jeanie,
    Low carbs in winter is a real challenge.

  11. I like egg salad but it seems we only tend to have it in the summer months. Why we seem to consider it a warm-weather food is something to ponder, but it's been that way our whole lives. Both RC and I don't ever remember having it other than in the summer.

  12. I've had a number of days in the last few weeks where I've had no real appetite.


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