Thinking About the Past

Sketch Along Route 17

     The black storage hassock isn’t as useful to me for the stack of stuff on it as it is for the stuff inside it.

It has been months since I open the lid to get anything in there. My down sizing push put a bead on donating the hassock because I do not use it other than to out stuff on. Put stuff on aka clutter station. 

The other day I went through the notebooks and such stored in the black vinyl box (also serving as my knitting needle stash). A rush of memories bloomed in my heart thinking of what part of my past what I found there means to me. Sketches and watercolors I barely remember doing. And the best part is that I like them. That stuff was put there because it was my current (then) focus, handy to access. 

But something happened. The current became buried like soil on dinosaur bones. 

As I remember the little robin puffed up against a chilly wind, I think about my project to sketch more often. I even found the plastic envelope with my sketchbook and supplies. 

Why does that happen to us? Be enthusiastic about a goal and have it end up fading under the weight of whatever? Depression can’t be blamed for everything. 


A watercolor sketch dated 2017.

I know I’ve opened the storage hassock plenty of times in the last 7 years. That is proof there has been a change of stuff put in there.

 Okay, discovery made, now what to do about it? 

Get back to the good things that were once important. That is the benefit of thinking about the past.


  1. Sometimes the past will inform our future if we just listen to it. Having said that, I'm in the throes of a creative funk right now and maybe I need to listen to myself and go through some of what I've created before and see if it sparks any new ideas. I'm at the point where I'm bored with myself and if I'm bored that surely means my work is becoming boring to everyone else too. The dilemma is what to do next. Wish I had a hassock to go through to set a spark in me!

    1. Maryanne,
      I hear you. Figuring out our creative paths can be daunting. It makes want to reach for Hagen Daz coffee ice cream. 🥴😎

    2. Maryanne,
      I hear you. Figuring out our creative paths can be daunting. It makes want to reach for Hagen Daz coffee ice cream. 🥴😎

  2. When we open up old boxes and cabinets, such memories flow within us. I have been going through things myself and giving away and keeping such treasures from the past. Your paintings are delightful. I especially like the one of the bare trees, which is true of January's cold weather. Your black vinyl box sounds like there are many interesting cherished things in there. : )


    1. Sheri,
      Reorganizing means a new pile of stuff will go in the hassock. I’m thinking yarn and sewing projects to go with the knitting needles. 🙂

  3. Love the Robin and the landscape. I have found unfinished cross stitch I would like to complete. Not much chance since I gave the threads away.

    1. Marie,
      I hope you buy new thread.
      Your comment reminds me that I have a cross-stitch bell pull of a robin that’s unfinished.

  4. When I go to my totes that I use for storage, memories and more ideas flow in my brain. Maybe this is a good thing. Janice

    1. Janice,
      Stashing good memories is a good thing to do. It will make cleaning closets more fun lol

  5. Replies
    1. William,
      This time of year, can be a nice journey looking back.

  6. Our minds are filled with so many things, even our best laid plans, as they say, go oft astray. I'm glad you pulled out your materials. Now you can decide if that is what you want to do. (We are allowed to change, you know!) I get bogged down with the memories when I go exploring in spots like this -- we all have them! And they're good.

    1. Jeanie,
      Changing paths can be a tricky thing to do.
      I too often stumble and become distracted by shiny new ideas. :)

  7. This year i am planning to sort through the genealogy materials that are stashed in a plastic container. I was so involved in this project several years ago, then came to many dead ends and stopped going onto other things. It's time to return.


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