Ye Olde Photo Library Dilemma

White Pine & snow

 Ah, t'was nearly a mid-day dreary that pulled me up from the sofa, dragging and ragged in thoughts of what to do first. Lately, using the laptop doesn't enthuse me. There is no reason I've discovered for it because I haven't been trying to figure it out.

After puttering a short while, I start lunch as the laptop's music sounds. Here I am. I begin with changing the header photograph, (a task on my mind for a while). White Pine trees have been a favorite all my life for their perfume, needles to weave, and windy music. 

An idea arises to create a white pine tree library of photographs. Google time.

I can organize on my own. The issue is indexing to aid the search for the right picture. I don't know how to do that. Thus, a photo library program is a good solution for me. The way I organize pictures now is a mess. Even with my handwritten logbook, finding the photograph I want is not easy.

Digital Camera World, The best photo organizing software of 2025

From that article I chose Google Photos. Google Photos will not download on my systems. I can, however, download the program to my smart TV. 
Given I prefer a small security circle, having my photos on my television is not going to happen. There are too many things that can go wrong.
More software exploring is needed.

Do you use a photo library program?
Any recommendations will be appreciated.


  1. I don't use a photo library per se but have created labels in Google where I sort things more or less loosely. I have a folder each for the grandies that currently hold hundreds of pictures I don't need to keep because any that I truly want I've printed and put in albums. Simply can't imagine putting pictures on a smart TV....too complicated to contemplate!

    1. Maryanne,
      I began using flash drives to store photographs. That eases searches but only when I can find the flash drive stick. lol

  2. Exquisite and divine photo of nature's creation ~ hugs,

    I just use my Apple laptop to organize photos ~ sorta ~ lol ~ creatives are not always so organized ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Carol,
      No always so organized, I should tape the sign to my file cabinets. lol

  3. Nope, no program. I have file folders for various subjects. Flowers. Cats and Dogs, Food (by category), International travel (by country), US (by state or city), Family (subdivided by family name), friends (the same), and on and on. Some pix go into two files (a group photo, perhaps). I can pretty much put my hand on almost anything I need within minutes/seconds. I'm pretty manic about it and lately going in to delete really old stuff I've shot better nice. (But then I also color-code my closet.)

    1. Jeanie,
      Color coded closet! You’re a champ!
      Somewhere I have a year divided into folders like a photo library should.

  4. One day I might be able to say my photos are sorted. :)
    Pines have so much character. They are wonderful trees.

    1. Dixie,
      Sorting photos can be fun when it is done as we go along. Attaching a year snd coding folders will help.

  5. Love the photo of the pine and the snow. My photos are on a cloud drive.i have a list of the pictures every day saved on pages.

    1. Marie,
      Cloud drive, I’ve recently began using that program. I’ll give it more attention.

  6. I use Lightroom for my digital photos - the first of which I took on 18 July 2000. I have 97,758 stored. The big advantage is that they are easily found because Lightroom can be searched by type or subject. I use an iPhone so all those are catalogued and stored in Apple's iCloud. I have almost all my main cloud storage backed up on hard drives.

    1. Graham,
      Wow! The number of photos is amazing. The years of storage must be fun to look through.

  7. My photos go in an external hard drive for storage.


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