What Happened?

Gmail Question


Saved emails are going missing. I’ve read the Help information. I did delete a lot of emails months ago. I don’t recall deleting those needed for documentation purposes. Recent saved emails after that purge are also missing.

I use my cell phone and laptop.

Cell phone features in gmail are different than the laptop. Cell gmail sends deleted emails to the All Mail folder. You then have to select them again to put them in the Trash folder to delete them. 

The All Mail gmail folder will show emails in all folders.

I have not set any date limit to keep emails. 


Has anyone had their saved emails disappear?

Is there an easy way to save emails in another place not gmail?

Thank you


  1. Sorry I can't be of any help. I don't use the cell phone for anything to do with the internet and I don't have a laptop. I don't even use my tablet for emails, so no help whatsoever.

    1. Maryanne,
      You have a really nice set up. Email managing can be a hassle.

  2. Sometimes our e-mail carriers provide other places to save our e-mails. There's usually a folder on the side bar of the e-mail page, and I've saved many e-mails in different files. By the way, I just did a post about e-mails and such. ; )


    1. Sheri,
      Thank you. I forgot about carrier space. Wiil read your blog shortly.


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