With Sympathy

One Out of Many
E Pluribus Unum

Thirteen letters for 13 colonies joined as one to create the United States of America. 

Think about that, Americans united as one.
There are few among us, I believe, 
that do not have the capacity 
to feel compassion and empathy
for those who grieve, suffer, endure
physical and emotional pain.
A tragedy is not the time to 
grand stand on the stage of
blame, what should have been.


My heart wraps around the people
who lost love ones 
on the Potomac River last night..
My prayers and sympathy 
are deep and sincere.




  1. Prayers and sympathy for all. Such a sad thing.

  2. A true tragedy. We've had so many lately. I join you in prayers and sympathy.

  3. I think of the families now grieving and my heart hurts for them.

  4. Prayers for the families
    and those in the recovery efforts


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