Day 32 of Week 5 February 2025

A cozy bird feeder station
up-cycling a licorice plant

Hello February!

Last night in northwestern Vermont (in my yard), we have about 3-4 inches of powder snow. The landscape is a pretty. It is a cold 17°F (-8°C). What’s funny is in January folks were posting February will probably be snowy. 

Old Man Winter being cheeky dumping snow on day one of the 2nd month of 2025.
Skiers rejoice!
Old ladies with shovels at the bird feeders…meh…it’s snow.

Have a Wintery Wonderful Weekend!

Bake lasagna with meat sauce
Browse online best shampoos
Read about penguins
Draw a colony of penguins
Research Viking holidays
Read the US Constitution
Have a nice hot toddie
Take a news break


  1. We’ve had snow and bitterly cold weather this week. But…it’s February. Spring is hiding around several corners.

    1. Marie,
      Several corners is spot on!

  2. I love your list! I need to fill up the bird feeders today (again!) And then, a hot toddie!

    1. Jeanie,
      At 5°F this morning, I expect the birds will be grateful for seed.

  3. I think we've had as much snow already this year as we had all last year. I'm ready for it to be gone.
    Now you have me craving lasagna....wandering off in quest of the RC to plant the idea in his brain....

    1. Maryanne,
      Happy Lasagna!

  4. Today we had a sunny day after a week with lots of snow. I hope the month isn’t as cold but it is looking like it will be frigid.

    1. Marie,
      It is Febrrruary!


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