Pondering the Quality of Life

Addison County Vermont


The day after the recent snowfall, the sun is shining brightly on 3 or 4 inches of snow. The weather map has no snowflakes in the forecast until Saturday night. I and the hood of my vehicle are pleased as we warm to the glorious light of our planet's only Sun.

My bad knee is a little better. I'm keeping the cane handy. Having such difficulty walking makes me ponder the days ahead when age will be the swollen bad knee.

Aging in the upper years comes with worry for just about every little thing, what it means to the quality of life. It is there like dark clouds and a chill on a sunny day at the beach. Well, I say so what! There are a lot of wonderful quotes about not allowing negatives to spoil the day. Better to read them to uplift one's spirits than sit and worry about something like a shooting pain in my thumb as arthritis or did I bang it on the water faucet. 

This subject feels like I've posted about it before, a same old kind of thing. What makes it feel new (er) is how badly the bad knee limits my ability to walk. Scary it is.

There are plenty of things I can do to make me feel happy, refreshed, pleased with how I spent my time. They are too numerous to list but here are a few.

🌲 Christmas ornaments 
All that felt, fabric and bit of trim I've saved for years* can be put to good use in a plastic shoebox kept beside my yarn stash for a handy do something while I ponder the meaning of life.

💟 Greeting Cards
Glue, scissors, trims, paper and imagination are all that's needed to create simple and pleasing designs. Paper can be made from junk mail.

🎵 Music appreciation
Listen to music for a few hours for an in the recliner concert. Think about each instrument as it plays. Remember the old school days class for music?

In all that, I have stories to edit, paintings to finish, and the very pout producing task of not sitting in a chair daydreaming or staring into space for hours on end.

I got Wordle in 2 today!

* I have fabric that is over 50 years old. 


  1. All wonderful things! Every single one. Yes, our lives are too short and none of us can do what we used to (or at least do it as well or as easily). But we find what we can. And go for it whole hog!

    1. Jeanie,
      The going better today than yesterday as my bad knee is no longer swollen or as sore. Greeting cards today!

  2. It isn't always easy but always try to focus on the positives.
    Wordle in 2 ... well done :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      Wordle on 2 is always a surprise like I'm a kid again.
      Have a fun weekend!

  3. It isn't always easy but always try to focus on the positives.
    Wordle in 2 ... well done :)

    All the best Jan

  4. Music is a lovely respite from the world. I enjoyed the early evening that way! Have a great weekend.

    1. Marie,
      I forgot to log off my laptop while my YouTube music playlist was on. I was doing dishes and dancing at the sink!

  5. Wordle in two - that's amazing! I've done it a couple times but more often I end up with four tries. Have you tried spellbee.org? I really enjoy playing with that one too.
    Sorry about your sore knee. For sure this aging thing isn't for the faint of heart. I managed to bruise my finger wielding the tweezers pulling out waste canvas threads. I knew it was going to hurt but did I stop? Why, no....

    1. Maryanne,
      Assessing how much pain I might endure when doing tasks that are iffy happens more often with me than it should. lol

      I will give spellbee.org a try. Thank you
      I have a 4 on Wordle most of the time.

  6. This is is a nice list to do on a winter day. Sorry your knee has been bothering you. We are at that age where we can take a fall now and then. Speaking of wonderful quotes, I just saw this on a friend's blog.

    " I have accepted fear as part of life--specifically the fear of change. I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says turn back." Erica Jong


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