Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2024

Thoughts About the Weather of Daydreams

Contrasts on Snow

Impact. Weather has far too much of it pushing on my mood. Last summer was all about when is summer going to begin. In the fall, more than just leaves flew by. Winter this year has been not a winter as summer was not a summer. The wait and see is tedious, a drain to endure.

Coping often takes the route of daydreaming positive outlooks, scenarios, experiences, hopes and such. I read briefly a few website snippets about the classification of dreams, the good, bad and the not such a great use of time. From there I decide to change how I cope with what impacts my life from sources that I cannot have control over other than the prepare. Think carry an umbrella, put on snow boots, wear sunglasses.

My daydreams lean towards fantasy. What the dreams are doing is always based in reality. What they are not heavily into is probablity. That indicates to me that my daydreams can benefit from an adjustment.

  1. Limit the time spent daydreaming
  2. Keep notes on when I space out
  3. Select real subjects to create scenarios
  4. Do not dwell on negative behaviors
  5. Always have a happy ending
How do you manage your daydreaming? Every think about needing to?

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Buy the Farm, Dirt Desert, Bucket Kicking Days


Party is over, done with, no turning back the hands of time for me. I'm old for sure.* No this is the new 60. 

So how am I feeling about being 3 quarters of a century as an air breather? In a state of awe actually, that I made it this far, especially when I think back to times when that felt iffy. 

Ah, the adventures of youth, they aren't near as cool as it is to be so experienced living. There has been history I have lived. I was alive when Einstein walked the Earth. When Eisenhower was no longer president, I cried thinking America's lost a father. I am a living part of history from the hippie flower child era. 

As a side effect, I am feeling a sense of needing to adjust my attitude(s). Tidy up, get things sorted, clean up my projects, and such. Also, consider doing things that won't matter much, like trying out that temporary tattoo. I'm not interested in capturing my younger years, being hip, cool. I've been that. I am that. My interest is in having fun being full of years. 

The aches and pains, skin changes, weight gain and such are not fun. The idea that this is thee most defined era of My Life is hilarious to me. I know for sure I will not repeat 75 years living. At most, I might make it to a hundred, 2048. More likely, I will be gone within ten years. Scary it is not. I believe is some form, life continues by the grace of God. 

Human existence has always been fascinating to me. What puzzles me is that for all the advances in science, there is no way yet discovered to help folks transition to the next stage. Paranormal investigations are mostly theater, I believe, to the majority of people. In reality, those people that promote the paranormal, are the ones helping people to understand that life as we have been told, doesn't have a clear boundary between life and death.

*My birthday has gone by.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Thoughts On a White Cosmos

Cosmos 2023

Like a faerie among the green,
a cosmos petal pushes a leaf 
out of the way, 
to see the white summer sky.

At peak Summer time,
the few weeks ahead are the days we should be out enjoying the season.
Don't  miss your summer.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Windy Views Along Lake Champlain

 I am not getting out of my vehicle.

Biting cold windy

The light green water is sunshine.

The darkers waters are cloud shadows.

Lots of rolling white caps.

As I type, a man and 3 old retrievers are walking along the lawn's lake line. 

One old dog trails the rest. The black one stops to turn to check on him.

I hope someday when I am slow older, somebody takes me for a walk,

And turns to check on me.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thoughts In January 2023

Mowed Tall Grass & Weeds

There's no stopping time moving on as we are well into January 2023. Today is Hot Tea Day. A good cuppa with some thoughts about how the future is looking feels good in comparison to the blush of hopefulness on New Year's Day. 

Grief takes over life like time, no stopping it. The days absorb sorrow as our hearts adjust. Feeling on an more even keel,  after thinking so much on where I am in life, my own mortality, some areas feel clearer. 

I'm old. 
A foreshortened future is like doing spring cleaning in November. Option adjustments aside, the drag of wondering how long I have can be put on a shelf. 

Creative pursuits are uplifting.

During cleaning, I found one of those inexpensive canvases I bought last month unopened. In December I was painting. At a point, my focus went into a slump. I put the canvas on the more...need place for a drawing that fell off the easel top...painter's tape it in front of canvas...and sketch on the plastic an idea for an astract from the drawing glued to the canvas surface. 

As a kid, we had picnics in tall grassy fields that left flatten spaces like deer beds. The mowed down tall grasses and weeds remind me that our life is in the same environment. Looking back at 2023 day one...Weather changes. We change. 
Life is as abstract as it is real.