Showing posts with label style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label style. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thinking of Spring


 The background photograph of forget-me-not was taken several years ago in my tiny flower garden. The plant was a stray inside the shrubs that I transplanted. Alas, it bloomed a few years before it didn't bloom again.

Lately I've been pondering style, mine as well as the world around me. I'm not up with fashions, the shopping scene. I don't go anywhere that I need to look all spiffy. As long as I'm comfortable, and like what I'm wearing, there's no struggling with what to wear that I have to deal with. Why I'm spending time (again) thinking about my style is a mystery to me. I guess seeing the beautiful spring flowers makes me want to look nice as well.

About the world around me, in a rural area, the colors of spring are beyond inspiring and beautiful. A well put together spring outfit Mother Nature does for herself here in Vermont.

What about you? Do you lean toward sprucing up your wardrobe in the spring?

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Thoughts On Group Mentality

 A weird idea breezed across my brain, that if conservatives adopt the style of a liberal looking hippie type person, then that might confuse people with conspiracy obsessed syndrome into regaining their common sense. 
It isn't a secret that people in general want to be accepted, fit in, get along with others.  In World History there are societies that adopted a uniform dress code. Hello pilgrim.

In art, composition is key. In life, context, I believe, is the clearest lens to view the images we accept or reject.

We identify with groups in particular clothes, a football team geared up, soldiers in uniform, gowns at a gala. When those people are in the personal time clothes, we can't tell who they identify with. Every time we throw on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, we disguise part of who we are. If we wear the same style no matter what, then we can develop a group cohesiveness that might help people experiencing a lack of common sense to regain the reality they're suppressing. 

Think what it would do to society if for one full week we all wore only tee shirts and jeans, and tossed on some hippie beads.

P.S. I'm a glass bead wearing conservative on the liberal side of the spectrum

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Style, Attitude & the Me of It

Dry Cosmos on the Stem
Watercolor study

Cosmos Drying
Digital photograph

The composition will include cosmos that are in bloom as well as buds in a blurry background.

Acrylic in progress

This summer has been one of abundant dull light for painting indoors.

Speaking of dull.

My wardrobe is Earthy colors, nothing real bright other than white. The other day I bought a pair of Cynthia Rowley long flowing viscose wide leg boho print pants. Think 1960-70s hippie era. Even the tie waist strings have wood beads at the ends. 

The photograph is taken at the hem area. 

Here's the thing. I have yet to try them on. They will fit, and be super comfortable. My issue is my attitude towards them. Although the do represent Me, I feel timid about wearing them for what they represent. Being a baby boomer, there's the hippie era episode in my history, high school, college. Actually, we were called freaks as in think comedian George Carlin. 

But that was then. I left all that behind in 1971.

I am here in the now. I don't mind looking like an old lady. I even like elastic waist pants. It took years, but I wear them all the time now. I only have a beer every summer to pay homage to my flower child era skills. I still use language I used as a teenager, edited to fit the person I'm talking to. 

What happened? Why the lack of embracing a part of my history that was as exciting as it was tragic? I remember the glow in my soul of being a writer, experiencing life to write about.

The answer that sticks out is the Attitude from judgmental folks labeling a person of any age, who wears certain clothes as getting high, ultra liberal with a stash of protest signs magically fitting into their pockets like Hermionie's bag in Harry Potter films. Seriously, you dress like that, many people will label you. 

Point being, I all on my own, on purpose, as well meaning as it is, has fit myself into a style that is not Me. 

So now I'm wondering what I'll look like when I decide to be Me.

I suspect there will be careful editing of my style because I've already searched online for temporary tattoos.

This will be fun.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Art: As the Dinner Rolls Cool

The Huddle

Wipe Your Feet

Dinner rolls add a vibe 
of elegance to a meal.

Be elegant

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Winter Is Back

The lines in the dusting of snow from last night are created, I believe, by a wing trailing an unbroken line in the snow when a bird lands or flies away.

Imagine what a fun floor it would be painted, stenciled or stamped with bird tracks. 

A home with imagination a person doesn't need explained is human nature indoors. Dream of the room first or create it from something you discover shares your aesthetic wave length, both methods breath from our nesting instincts.


Saturday, February 04, 2023

Crafting Signage

The sign is about a yard long by a foot high. A bunch of shells waiting for an idea, lines the top of the 3 glued and back braces nailed together boards, primed and painted with acrylics.
Strange that the rustic look, (hasn't been wear sanded yet), that I imagined now wants old weathered rope on the other 3 sides. 
There is an upholstery trim that will work called twisted lip cord. 
Light gray or blue? Sand looks ok, but white would be better.
Or should I paint and stress twigs or dowel trim to look like drift wood?
Opinions appreciated
Thank you