
Clotheslines are a place of
happy memories. 
Running through the 
billowing sheets was fun.

It amazed me to hear that there are places where clothesline aren't allowed, mainly because they don't make 
the area look good.

My short 5 garment length
clothesline is between a planter pole and an iron umbrella stand.
On very hot days, 3 or 4 
hand washing can be 
hung out to dry.

There are a variety of clothesline styles to use that might fit into a safe and secure area in 
your landscape. 

Do you have a clotheline or used a collapsible dryer rack?


  1. I don’t have a good place for a clothesline, but I use the railings of my back deck. I try to dry my sheets outside each week and often lots of clothes. I love the smell.

  2. I used to have one at the woods house-and loved it very much. I would do all of our laundry and hang on the line-looked cool out there in the woods too-and sometimes wildlife would walk near by loved that good memories.
    My farm girl grandma used a clothes line too. yes good memories for me

  3. Sandy,
    Poles tied to a deck post with a rope tied to a bolt snap to clip on a screw eye can make a short clothesline.

  4. Kathy,
    If there's a tree to secure/ tie a pulley, then a clothesline from a pole on the deck might work.

  5. The only drawback here is bird droppings on clothes hung out to dry. Especially when they've eaten red berries. So I dry indoors, but avoid the clothes dryer mostly.

  6. Liz,
    Birds can be a problem.
    A south facing patio window is like a mini dryer.

  7. One doesn't see them in the city.

  8. William,
    A balcony with a dryer rack is an option for city living, when it isn't too windy.

    Triple deckers in the Boston area, some had poles for pullies in the backyard. High poles the guys had to climb. Scary stuff.

  9. How I miss having a real clothesline! We put an extra expansion rod above our bathtub and hang laundry there to dry because it's far too expensive to use the dryers in our building.

  10. Maryanne,
    Expensive machines for laundry here as well.
    In winter, for the humidity, I hang clothes indoors.

  11. I had two clothes lines at our old house. They were retractable from a backyard shed to posts on the back of the house. I miss hanging out bed sheets - well, actually, I just miss the wonderful smell the first night of sleeping on them. I hang many clothing items on an over the door rack in the laundry room. I've been thinking of buying a second one.

  12. Becki,
    There is a fresh laundry spray for linens. Best scent in the world for sleeping.

  13. We have a clothesline at the lake. Home? No -- I don't have a good spot. I was just thinking I'd love to air some things on the line.


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