Summer Set Up

My Reminders & To Do list Summer Side

  • No liquids, hand sanitizer, anti-bacteroal wipes, creams or lotions left in hot car other than plain water
  • No snacking while driving
  • No eating chocolate in the car because bits that fall in my lap will melt creating a crapped pants look that's not attractive
  • Sunscreen for face, body and sport uses
  • Mosquito Nets, hat and single net
  • Vehicle warm weather safety pack stored safely in trunk
  • Driving safety pack: cooler with freezer pack, water, extra sandals, extra sun glasses, windbreaker, umbrella, long thin raincoat, plastic poncho, crackers or health bar in purse 
  • Keep old winshield wipers in trunk for just in case
  • Make sure spare tire in good condition
  • Sunshield umbrella in trunk
  • Folding chair in trunk
  • Small sketch book in car
  • Repellent spray feet before leaving home to prevent bites from mosquities attracted to foot scent
  • New nail polish for toes
  • Committ in Prayer to be a courteous safe driver, no finger declarations, no fumming over bad drivers, windows up at all times when critiquing aloud driver talent on the road
  • Be considerate of lip readers

Do you have any tips that make your season safer and happier?


  1. I learned the hard way not to eat a hazelnut Beavertail on a warm day.

  2. William,
    An Internet image search, eow! Those look delicious.
    Thank you!
    Your comment reminds not to eat chocolate in the car because crumbs that fall in one's lap will melt no matter how high the A/C is cranked up.

  3. Low maintenance yard for one ~ I try to get deck set up so that I can enjoy the peace and quiet ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Sunscreen is one I forget early in the season.

  5. Carol,
    I like your style!

    My deck so far has less than half the stuff there as it did last year.
    I cut the bench section out of the end planters to open the space. Most planters will be gone soon as well.

  6. Marie,
    I have the feeling you aten't alone.
    I took out the sunscreen and found it is fuller than it should be. Looks like somebody in this one person home forgot to use it.

  7. I snickered at the not eating chocolate in the car/crapped pants look. Not that I've ever (ahem) done anything of the sort. Chocolate (not crap).
    Here there's a law that you're not supposed to be eating or drinking whilst driving. We often pick up an iced coffee for in the car but whoever is driving makes sure not to be sipping unless stopped at a stop sign or checking to be sure there's absolutely no traffic in sight.

  8. Maryanne,
    Distracted driving laws in Vermont covers actions taking a driver's attention away.
    There was a time years ago before campaign against distracted driving, when left of center line weaving was a very scary common sight.


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