Week 20, Day 139 May 2023

Addison, Vermont

Have a luscious Weekend!
Summer is 33 days away

Sing to the wind
Assemble a veggie sandwich
Eat your sandwich outdoors
Read about America's fish industry
Sow birdhouse gourd seeds
Perfect homemade custard
Find your daily calorie count
Draw a row of rowboats
Buy sunscreen
Browse bead making online


  1. A lovely view on a lovely day, William
    Have a fund weekend!

  2. Enjoy the weekend. Hope it is grand!

  3. Beautiful view! Veggie sandwich reminds me that I've been wanting a cucumber cream cheese. Sadly we bought the cream cheese and forgot the cucumber.

  4. Maryanne,
    Apple cider vinegar and black pepper on cuke slices was a favorite of my father. They make a nice snack.

  5. Great sky shot ~ Wow! Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. It is a huge flat area, Carol
    Big sky range

  7. 33 days. I can't wait. The high today was about 55 and cloudy and breezy so it felt colder.

  8. Jeanie,
    Wait we must. I expect warmer weather will eventually refresh our memory before the June solstice.

  9. Mary,
    It is a beautiful place, big flat acres of fields.


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