Monday, April 29, 2024

April Showers & More


Violas in April 2024

There has been enough rain this April to support the old adage, April showers bring May flowers.

There is no other time of year when flowers blooming outdoors envelopes a community spirit like Spring does.

I'm done with moaning that it is raining again. It is raining again. Yesterday I put away the emergency shovel, the ice scrapers, and extra pair of mittens. For me, that makes spring official. The nagging feeling it might snow again lingers, but that is easy to deal with when I see the trees budding in the most gorgeous Chartreuse.

A Caution About Sandals: If you have lotion on your feet, then wearing sandals in the rain can make them very slippery under your feet, dangerously slippery, especially when the foot bed is smooth leather, vinyl or a similar plastic material. 
(I almost went barefoot in the grocery store parking lot when it was raining yesterday. It is not fun times with my feet trying to slide around.)

Sunscreen & Bug Spray: Wearing sunscreen all year round, to me, is a good idea. Also, stock up on bug spray. All the rain we've been having has the mosquitoes out early around where I live.
Remember, if you don't have a bug bite cream, wetting your skin and adding salt to the area can help alleviate the stinging feeling.

Some Spring Clearing Up Stuff: Check on old email addresses; get rid of old broken sandals; Change passwords; update first aid kit; read app reviews; check out safest email service available; Google your name; make sure tetanus shot is up to date; read Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recall page.


  1. I love to complain about the rain but then also chide myself.. we are blessed to have the rain, so many places experiencing draughts.. and we need this rain to help all the things around us grow.

    1. Hena,
      We are blessed to have the rain.
      It doesn't mean we can't be grumpy about it though. :)

  2. Spring cleaning has begun here. It is cold and wet this week so far.

    1. Marie,
      I just came back inside from being outdoors. I know the temperature isn't that low, but it still feels freezing to me. lol

  3. We have had so little rain this winter that I am glad for it now. The thirsty earth is drinking it in.

    1. Lorrie,
      You raise a very good point.
      We didn't have much snow this winter in Vermont. The rain is welcome.

  4. Those violas are smashing! We had rain, now sun. Warm, then cool off. It's still erratic but hey, it's still April for one more day!

  5. I am so glad Spring is finally here and I will take the rain over the snow. Janice

    1. Janice,
      Rain over snow is perfect.
      More rain here in Vermont today. I'm getting use to it. Getting use to some sunshine will be nice.

  6. These are gorgeous purple flowers. I know what you mean about the weather. It's sunny one day, the next it's overcast and raining - I guess that's Spring! I'm not sure if we'll get any more snow either, we'll see. Great idea about clearing things out and do some Spring cleaning. Yes, this is the season where the mosquitos come. I always get bitten when watering my plants in the early morning.

    Have a wonderful week.


    1. Sheri,
      A spritz of bug spray when going out is a good idea.
      I use it all summer on my feet before I get in my vehicle.

  7. I am usually happy to see the rain because I know how important it is. Having said that, I'm certainly not a fan of 40 days and 40 nights of it! I'm sure the farmers aren't either. If we lived in a perfect world...

    1. Maryanne,
      For sure! The 40 days is feeling old already.
      Recently, between rains episodes, I've seen fields being plowed. It is funny how passing them, I notice where plowing is late without thinking about.


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