What About You?

The Spring Lawn Before the 1st Cut

In the 1990s, (long story short), being told that a montly budget includes self care as in something nice like clothes or make-up, absolutely stunned me. I felt guilty when I spent money on myself in those tight budget days of cereal coupons. 

What about you?

Do you set aside things, and time, on purpose, to do something nice for yourself?  

Rising out of emotional trauma, I began with something inexpensive, cheap nail polish. The goal is to remind myself that it is all right for me to look nice. Every summer for over 20 years, I take care to paint my toenails, and, wear spiffy sandals. Eventually, I added earrings and jewelry. This year, I am graduating to summer dresses and skirts. At the rate I'm advancing, next year I might wear a bathing suit instead of shorts and a tee shirt.

There are events in life that can leave a person feeling unattractive and/or not want to be noticed, men and women. We have to rebuild our confidence, cope with the negatives, and enrich our positives.

A Spring Puddle Reflection

How we think of ourselves, I believe, plays the tune we follow in our daily lives. Not being deliberately engaged in our personal self care beyond the daily basics, can press ruts in our path to happier days. 

Please, take care of your beauty.

Let your happiness shine!


  1. Yes, I think it's important that we do little things for ourselves once in awhile. I tend to navigate not towards clothes so much, but items for my home. Although, I did get a complete outfit for the fundraiser dinner, and that was nice. Wonderful last words on here. Some think that if you have beauty and look your best, you will be happy. I think if you have peace and joy inside, the beauty on the outside will flourish. ; )


    1. Sheri,
      Visual or spiritual, beauty has its perks.

  2. What a lovely, uplifting post. It is such a boost to take care of oneself, and it's important to make the time. Soon, I'll be painting my toenails, but it's been far too chilly to wear sandals yet. Accepting the way my aging body changes takes some effort, but I keep at it.

    1. Lorrie,
      Wishing y'all a nice warm up in May!

      The selection of nail polishes is pretty bleak in the local store. I think online
      has a wider variety of colors that have lasting power.

  3. You are wonderful just being you ~ hugs ~ lovely 'puddle' photo ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Carol,
      Puddle reflections are a favorite.

  4. I agree that doing something nice, something extra for oneself is good for the soul. What is fascinating the difference things we choose to "give" ourselves. The treats my daughters give themselves don't usually interest me, but make them feel great. After working in the garden all day, my gift to myself is going to be a hot bath with lavender Epsom salts and a glass of wine. I'll just be pleased as punch to have clean fingernails without the polish. Maybe tomorrow.

    1. Jenclair,
      A hot bubble bath is divine!
      I dream of a tub with a waterfall.

  5. I'm not overly indulgent but yes, I do things for myself -- sometimes it's buying myself something (usually a book!) or something that really captures me. And I do it with time -- making time to do something I want to do -- watching a movie or going someplace. I feel like I've lived and worked hard -- I earned it!

    1. Jeanie,
      Working hard to earn is a good solid life to celebrate.

  6. Doing something nice for ourselves should be a given. A manicure is a nice start.

    1. Marie,
      A given for sure.
      I agree, a manicure sounds like a nice place to start.

  7. I get it Maywyn about the self-care. Once and awhile someone treats me to a massage and that is the best thing going! Enjoy your toenails and sandals. My girlfriend at work just got hers done and they look really spiffy. Hugs!

    1. Debbie,
      In the summer, it is fun to sit on the deck in the sun soaking my feet. It has the feeling of being at a spa.

  8. I very rarely indulge myself but have no problem indulging others. Case in point, my buying new runners a couple weeks ago. RC had a hard time convincing me that I really did need to replace the ones I've been wearing for over ten years. Although I've been wearing the new ones, I still haven't turfed the old. He's probably had at least 15 new pairs of shoes in that time. I'm sure people get sick of seeing me in the same clothes (and shoes!) all the time but truthfully I don't care. I don't wear makeup - I don't do my nails and haven't been to a 'real' hairdresser since covid hit.

    1. Maryanne,
      Comfort with what feels right to you, is the best we can do for ourselves.
      I have shoes that go back to 1978.

  9. I think we should set aside time for our self.
    This weekend I have spent time reading ... it was very enjoyable.

    Wishing you a happy month of May.
    The year is flying by too quickly.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      The year is flying by quickly here as well. :)
      A book by one's side will make for better living for sure. Too often my book gets covered in piles of stuff.


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