Thought in the Last Week of June


Caught in a storm system Sunday that dumped a lot of rain on Upstate New York and Vermont on its way to the New Hampshire and Maine, I sat there and just watched. I did take pictures and videos.

Update on laptop search:

I was told by a sales person that the reason there are inexpensive laptops is due to the lack of features that are on the higher priced laptops. As in the S mode that will not allow you to upload unless it is from a Microsoft store.

None of the under $500.00 US dollar laptops will suit my need to upload and store photographs. If you are confused by that, then you are not alone. I am also confused because nothing I read in my research, the reviews and websites' recommendations mention S mode, that I recall. 

Thus, I will be watching for sales in July for a laptop over $500.00 US dollars. Having the old HP AIO repaired is an option that I'm not considering as yet. I like to imagine some day I will turn it on, and it will be working. Dream on is the theme of that daydream.

Meanwhile, this old laptop is fickle. Sometimes I can leave comments, and sometimes I can't. I have a lot of blog reading catch up to do.

Have a wonderful week!



  1. Why in the world don't they tell you that a laptop won't upload photos before you buy it!! Isn't that something pretty much everybody wants to be able to do? Another reason why I don't want a laptop.

    1. Maryanne,
      The sales clerk did tell me right away about the S mode. He even asked another tech clerk to confirm. It is the online reviews I missed reading about the S mode.
      Essentially, cheap laptops are fancy cell phones with less features. My phone costs more than the laptop I wanted to buy. lol.

  2. My husband is the keeper of the photographs on a cloud and a back-up on a desk top computer. I fear I would not be able to store photos if left to my own devices.

    1. Marie,
      Using the cloud and backup is a very good way to manage photos. I hope to do that in the future.


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