Day 335 of Week 48 November 2024

Looking Up

Farewell November 2024!

Warm and windy describes this past 30 days here in the upper westside of Vermont. The weather went back and forth from fall jacket to puffer coat. Thus far, no snow boots have been needed. The higher elevations, some not far away, did have snow fall. 

I keep looking though. Maybe tomorrow a few flakes will be seen out my window.

Have a Cozy & Warm Weekend!

Browse fonts online
Make a gift box out of a cereal box
Tell your favorite shoes a story
Bake a peach cobbler
Sing to a bowl of grapes
Watch cat videos
Make beef stew in the slow cooker
Try blueberry tea
if a nah, then
have a blackberry brandy in
hot chocolate

In comments, I'm showing up as anonymous
when using my cell phone.


  1. Beef stew is a great idea. Haven’t made it since last winter! Thank you for the idea!

    1. Marie,
      Your beef stew picnic a few years ago is my go to stew image. 🙂

  2. Snow flurries here today but only a few miles from here they got quite a lot and drivers were having a fun time of it. Of course none of them know how to drive in the first snow of the season. I was happy to stay home and play in my sewing room.

    1. Maryanne,
      At home sounds good.
      When it is cold weather, I bunch up errands so I don’t need to go out.

  3. Happy December days, Maywyn. It's been mild here, too, on the other side of the continent. I would love some snow, but it's always a guessing game here. Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Happy December Lorrie!
      aka Cookie Baking Season
      The only snow I’ve seen so far is on vehicles driven down from the mountains.

  4. We got flakes! Lots of them. Hope you do too.

    1. Jeanie,
      I’m on snowflake lake watch today. lol

  5. Oh my friend, I am wearing two sweaters this morning. Probably in the 30's, and my two bedroom heaters went out. Still have the main one running, but it only gets that one room. It's coooold. Your suggestion of beef stew sounds really good. And blackberry brandy in hot chocolate sounds interesting. I look forward to seeing some of Vermont's snow this season. You take the most lovely photos of nature.


    1. Stay warm Sheri!
      It is cold here as well. I can feel the chill before the heat kicks on. That only happens when it is really cold outdoors.
      I have one sweater with me. :)

  6. Beef stew in the slow cooker sounds good.

    All the best Jan


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