Day 23 of Week 4 January 2025

Lake Champlain January 2025

Four tries using a cell phone it took in order for Blogger to post the photo above with the caption in the font I selected. Should life be easier?

Why not. Let us all put a good smile on the path to a smoothie life for ourselves and the World. 


Before we go there, let’s explore reality. In the news, for example, what captures your attention most? A reverend asking for mercy for people? Convicted criminals going free? Decent people losing their jobs? Videos of a violent assault where police are beaten 
is called by many as a peaceful protest? 

That’s the reality the voters 
brought to America on
20 January 2025.


Not their fault. I believe they honestly did not grasp the true depth of that reality. Dwelling on finding blame or ridiculing others, I feel, is a waste of good energy. 

There is too much being broken than fixed in America. 
Please don’t be discouraged.
Embrace Hope & Prayer!

