Day 23 of Week 4 January 2025

Lake Champlain January 2025

Four tries using a cell phone it took in order for Blogger to post the photo above with the caption in the font I selected. Should life be easier?

Why not. Let us all put a good smile on the path to a smoothie life for ourselves and the World. 


Before we go there, let’s explore reality. In the news, for example, what captures your attention most? A reverend asking for mercy for people? Convicted criminals going free? Decent people losing their jobs? Videos of a violent assault where police are beaten 
is called by many as a peaceful protest? 

That’s the reality the voters 
brought to America on
20 January 2025.


Not their fault. I believe they honestly did not grasp the true depth of that reality. Dwelling on finding blame or ridiculing others, I feel, is a waste of good energy. 

There is too much being broken than fixed in America. 
Please don’t be discouraged.
Embrace Hope & Prayer!



  1. We are holding on to hope for the world.

    1. πŸ™πŸ»
      Prayer is power
      Have a wonderful weekend, Marie

  2. Yes, when you look at the news headlines (which is all I do these days - never read the entire articles) it seems like the donald has single-handedly caused more chaos in the week he's been in office than he pretty much did in four years the last time. I shudder to think what's coming.

    1. Maryanne,
      The good that might be done is suffocating under his ego and revenge.

      Have a fun weekend

  3. I pray for the world, and especially for the situation in our two countries. It's dreadful. May we learn to trust God and to act in ways that honour him.

    1. Amen Lorrie
      Prayer rules the day here

  4. Replies
    1. William,
      When the wind whips off Lake Champlain it chills the soul.


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