The Last Weekend of January 2025

This drawing was found in a sketchbook stored in the storage hassock. It makes me smile. Smiles are much needed in these days of woe. 

I was writing a series based on my notes watching squirrels in the yard when the drawing was made. The theme of the collection has a philosophical vibe. Methinks I will take up the project again. 

Have a Weekend of Fun Discoveries!

    Dance in the sunshine
Bake a squash
Read the Magna Carta 1215
Draw a sleigh
Call an old friend
Browse porch designs online
Have a hot chocolate outdoors
Pray for World Peace


  1. I hope your weekend is a good one, too. I just might bake a squash!

    1. Lorrie,
      Enjoy the squash!
      One more pumpkin left here to bake.

  2. Awwwwww, he (or she) is so cute!! Squirrels are cute but they're certainly destructive if given the chance.

    1. Maryanne,
      Destructive for sure!
      Wild bird seed bought at Kinney Drugs here in the US is full of peanuts with not much small seed that I can see. The squirrels help clean up the peanuts is nice.
      Sparrows go for peanuts?

  3. Your squirrel is exquisite, May. The fur detail, everything. Wonderful.

    1. Jeanie,
      Squirrels are now the old neighbors that moved away and new ones move in.

  4. Your squirrel drawing is delightful. Although I don't like these critters on my lawn, they make for a good picture or drawing. I actually bought some squash today and was going to make a squash bake this week. Hot chocolate outdoors sounds really nice.


    1. Sheri,
      There are more squirrels around this winter. The mild weather last year must be to their liking.

  5. Love the squirrel drawing! A great job!

    1. Thank you Marie
      have a fun week

  6. I love your art and I hope you will just dive into it and show us more. I honestly was thinking about your tree painting just the other day-it is so beautiful. I loved how you did the shadows on the tree branches.
    The squirrel is great-we have too many of them. Would you like a few? I could send them by taxi...:)


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