Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Glitch, Shred & Exercise

On the dashboard page, upper right profile photo: The click profile photo drop down box no longer works from the dashboard page. Instead. There is a blank box stating:
Something went wrong
Refresh to try again or chose another account.  
The "chose another account," is a blue font link. I don't recommend clicking on an unfamiliar link in what appears to be in a glitch*.
In the past, when that blank box appeared, it was due to logging out from another Blogspot page before closing that tab. In order to sign out, I have to click on another feature, like Gmail. From the gmail page, when I click on the profile photo, the drop down box is normal.


Sunny again today here in Vermont. Same routine as yesterday fills my day. I've done enough puttering to build a full grocery bag of shredding. Later in the day, when the noise is more tolerable, I'll get that task started.

I haven't recorded the days, but it has been a while since I dropped anything on my foot, bumped into anything, strained a muscle, seen a mystery bruise or got a paper cut.** I feel fortunate. 
Thinking here, balance has improved. I've taken to playing again, a game of hand to eye coordination exercise. It doesn't however, improve my spelling or the automatic spell check guesses. 

How are your days  going?

* The glitch is gone. The normal drop down box is back.
** The very next day, cleaning fridge, drop something, pick it up, go to stand up...Bam!...the very corner of open cabinet door beans me good. No lump or broken skin though.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Excercise: The Stretch

The warm up and stretching are a priority. Cold muscles are grumpy muscles. Grumpy muscles are an injury waiting to happen (like what happened this morning leaning over the dust pan).

On my right side, I felt a muscle cramping up. Immediately I stop what I'm doing when that happens. As slight and brief as the muscle cramp was, the area is still tender.

No matter what age, I believe, stretching is a component of keeping yourself healthy.

I learned in the late 1980s when taking martial arts instruction, stretching my muscles properly is as important as the action itself. Sitting on the floor in a leaning position with my head on the floor, I nearly fell asleep, I was that relaxed. The sensei explained to me to follow the right amount of stretching.

This morning is a wake up call. I am old. Stretching must be a daily routine. The odd moment of remember to stretch something isn't enough. A routine for all muscles at my ability level is the best way for me to keep healthy.

Harvard Medical School, Harvard Health Publishing

American Heart Association

Friday, January 27, 2023

About Change

Meant To Melt
Change is a subject that can be the basis for huge conversations. Think of it in the climate of Internet websites powered by the current mass enthusiasm for sharing and copying in a race to win gone viral status.  

Have a genuine good week-end!

Read about the Holocene epoch
Browse online shoe making supplies
Sew up a fabric grocery bag
Sing to an ice cube or snowflake
Write down your life with ice cream
Bake carrots and apples
Have ice tea to pretend its summer
Exercise outdoors
Call a friend for coffee

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Lagging Starts


Posting once a week doesn't seem to have started yet. 

The resolution I have made to exercise outdoors as least once a week also seems to be lagging in a start. The second walk in as many days, was much shorter due to biting cold. Gloves, a thicker scarf, and a warm hat are a must when the temperature outdoors is below freezing. Add walking at a good clip, there is a wind chill factor to consider. The exercise bike is the better option when it is frigid outside.

Walking at a different location is on my agenda. Easy short walks are the rule due to my bad knees. As long as it isn't windy, I like walking when snow is falling.  

Do you have an exercise routine?