Showing posts with label soft porn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soft porn. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Here's What Happened


Earlier I posted a YouTube video of snowing February 27, 2020. I removed it because I had a hissy fit after seeing an ad for kids' games on Youtube using a photo of a woman with her well formed rear end facing the camera, soft porn obvious 100% inappropriate. 

I reported the ad. 

Then I did a search for YouTube and such ads. Apparently disgusting ads, videos and shorts are not new to YouTube. I've seen that myself when not logged into my account, Youtube porn videos open to the general public. To be fair, YouTube has removed content that violates their policies. Why an obviously soft porn ad missed the censors is a mystery to me.

I deleted all my catgegories, watch history and Watch Later videos. Now I'm all alone with my own YouTube videos. In protest, I'm not watching YouTube today. Then I got to thinking. Who benefits from trashing YouTube? What is the biggest competition YouTube has? Ah, tic tok? Hmmm? 

P.S. First Microsoft security alert my computer has been locked due to somebody using my IP Address. I click on something on facebook, an article about an actor couple lost in a house fire. Article has a big house fire image.

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Connections Commentary

Making sense?

If being outdoors refreshes your spirit, helps you feel less depressed, gives you a clearer outlook on life, brightens your day, makes you feel at peace, then consider adding indoors viewing of outdoor material via books and videos to your love of the outdoors.

The last blog post here provides a few links to YouTube videos that I have watched in full. No browse and post what's looks good for the subject there going on there.

There is a caution, however, on what videos to select for viewing.

What I have noticed is that YouTube either doesn't have or there are so few outdoor camping videos done by women they aren't suggested. Thus, I did a couple of YouTube searches for women camping solo. 

Both results are not impressive. Up front, pardon the pun, it appears that highlighting a woman's breasts is a video must have. After that, butts, tight clothing and suggestive poses. Oh, and none of the women in those results are homely. They look like super models.

I did a similar YouTube search: men camping solo.

The results are an impressive spot on the subject. Up front are men, young and old, fully dressed, whiskers, beards, hats, tents, tarps, dogs, snow, chopping wood, making camp. I've seen not one removing his pants, in a bathing suit or in tight pants. 
However, the ads on YouTube that go with such male focused videos, a high percentage have a sexy female vibe. I don't see a comparable ad line up on the women camping solo searches.

In Conclusion, my opinions as a not a prude person: 

Sex sells is a no brainer.

The women posting videos highlighting their bodies isn't as much about camping as it is to generate ad income and/or fame. I will not watch their videos.

Men don't have to act like wannabe porn stars to attract attention. I watch their videos.

It is disappointing that online soft porn has polluted the Internet, especially in advertising. 

I think YouTube would be better if they stop posting soft porn ads, and select better ads for the outdoorsy wilderness camping videos.