Showing posts with label choices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label choices. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

What's Your Favorite Color?

Colorful Summer Blouse

 The colors I go for are ecru, white, gray, denim, and khaki green, Earth colors. 

At the thrift store yesterday, I considered the blouse in the photo, (even though the colors aren't my usual). I held on to the summery blouse for a while before putting it back on the rack. 

Yesterday, once again, I had forgoten my donations. On my return today with the donations, the jacket I wanted is there, but the skirt is gone. That's all right because I wasn't all that keen on the skirt anyway.

On the Tops rack, the blouse was still there. The colors are very flashy. But, I like every thing about the piece, including the colors. Frustrated by my indecision, I asked a shopper to help me decide between another top I was holding and the blouse. She chose the blouse. I said thank you, I will buy it. All I needed was a push over the edge. Laughing. 

There it is draped over the edge of the sofa where I can see it. Now I'm deciding what to pants to wear with it. I'm also thinking about changing out the buttons.

Have you ever asked another shopper for their opinion?

Monday, March 25, 2024

Thoughts About the Weather of Daydreams

Contrasts on Snow

Impact. Weather has far too much of it pushing on my mood. Last summer was all about when is summer going to begin. In the fall, more than just leaves flew by. Winter this year has been not a winter as summer was not a summer. The wait and see is tedious, a drain to endure.

Coping often takes the route of daydreaming positive outlooks, scenarios, experiences, hopes and such. I read briefly a few website snippets about the classification of dreams, the good, bad and the not such a great use of time. From there I decide to change how I cope with what impacts my life from sources that I cannot have control over other than the prepare. Think carry an umbrella, put on snow boots, wear sunglasses.

My daydreams lean towards fantasy. What the dreams are doing is always based in reality. What they are not heavily into is probablity. That indicates to me that my daydreams can benefit from an adjustment.

  1. Limit the time spent daydreaming
  2. Keep notes on when I space out
  3. Select real subjects to create scenarios
  4. Do not dwell on negative behaviors
  5. Always have a happy ending
How do you manage your daydreaming? Every think about needing to?

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Base Fabric Patterns: Choices

Moda, Slow Stroll by
Stephanie Sliwinski
Floral fabric patterns captured my heart when I was a child. Staring at them, following the colors and flower sizes was fun for me. It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle without pieces. 

Fabric prints/patterns are much more soothing to browse in person in a store. Online browsing, depending on the website, can be a frustration nightmare. Also, in my opinion, nobody needs to see that many ugly patterns. More than once I have wondered what happened to pretty. 

At the Quilters' Corner, Middlebury Sew n Vac, I saw zero ugly prints. I had a very positive experience searching for a base summer wardrobe fabric (photo).

Options open, many were in contention. A base pattern is one with color and pattern style I can build from for coordinating garments. Think fill a small summer vacation suitcase. 

I wanted a nice summery floral. Down to 3 choices, I chose the dark foral because it has a classy vibe that I wasn't aware I wanted. The mid tone charcoal gray background is perfect for summer shorts and/or pedal pushers. The fabric can also easily blend summer into autumn with a matching sweater. 
After the selection, I buy a yard or so to live with, make sure the print isn't a whim. Thus far, I have no regrets. *
It will used to sew up a princess seam 3/4 cuffed sleeve tunic with coordinating lining. 

* Returned for another yard. The photo here helped finding the bolt.