Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

Buds, Videos & the Gimbal

White Lilac Tree Budding 2024

The trees and shrubs are often neglected for photographs when they are budding. This year I set out deliberately with my old Samsung phone to take pictures of the bits of green showing.  
I was disappointed in the many pictures I took. The photo above is heavily edited. I use the Samsung cell phone camera because it is so easy to upload the images to my computer; and, it takes much better pictures than my iphone 13, way better. Unfortunately, the cell phone LCD screen doesn't display well enough for me to take quick pictures that will turn out well. 

At present, I'm still heavy into daily watching YouTube wild camping videos. There are about a half dozen campers that I regularly watch with 3 of them being the most watched. It takes talent to put together a good video. The 3 that I watch a lot are excellent video creators.

Are there homemade videos that you regularly watch?

What do you look for in a video the most (that makes for good viewing)?

Crocus 2024
Smoothness. The the camera's stability as it moves is tops for me. Most of the campers hike as they record. Without using a gimbal, a device you put the camera on to balance the movement, (think gyroscope,) the video jumps too much to make for comfortable viewing when the video maker is walking on rough terrain. Long arm selfie sticks or GoPro like extension arms to mount camera are what some hiking video makers use.
Music. If the music is too loud, overly dramatic, or just does not fit the atmosphere of what the films is about, the entire video can become not so great to watch. 
Talking. If there is too much talking going on, then it interferes with my enjoyment of the scenery. 
Sadly, there's a wonderful YouTube channel of travelers who hike, that just about describes every detail of what is being filmed. As in writing, don't hog the audience experience. Show, don't tell thing.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Creative Exercise

Digital photograph

I created the stylized globe (photo above)
inspired by the photograph of the fruit,
(photo below). A good solid orange hue 
is not easy to achieve.

Digital photograph

What is strange about the globe photograph is that looking at it, I have a feeling of seeing a movement vibe going on there. That doesn't happen when viewing the fruit. 

I believe the reason for the globe's optical illusion is the radiancy. 

My brain expects movement from a radiant object.

As a pastime, I play around with the computer's photo editing and drawing programs. I've added Corel to my wish list as I explore other programs. Adobe Photoshop is nice, but I want a program to buy, not subscribe to. 

Please, if you have a recommendation for a photo editing program, then leave the name in a comment. 

Thank you

Monday, February 19, 2024

About Learning Photography

Leaf on Hot Concrete
Digital photo August 2019

What you might notice when going through photo folders of years gone by, are subjects you've photographed a lot, composition quality improvement, and not all cameras take good photos.

Clouds. I have a lot of cloud pictures. Moon. Lots of those pics as well. Plants. Like I'll forget what basil and nasturtiums look like. Autumn. Season favoritism shows. 

You can be engaged in pursuing adjustments in your life when other things you do merge, enter the room, have a sit down on the brain until you figure out why it deserves a seat. Becoming a better photographer deserves a seat in my mind is a no brainer.

Style. Are you a good photographer, candid picture taker or have a lens why not record an image? I think it depends on the moment and what you are looking at. 
I can be all three at the same time. Attitude prevails. What doesn't enter the picture is the effort to improve my skill as a photographer of any style level. Thus, with a depression dip to deal with, I'm now into learning photography. An item on the lists you see on websites for how to get out of a depression surge, is to learn or do something new. 

Below are a couple of links to get you started, if you have the mind to pursue photography improvement.

10 Best Free Online Photography Courses,, 2024.

Intro to Photography Class,, authored by professional photographer, Alex Buisse.

I wish you much success in having fun with your photography at whatever level of expertise you are comfortable with.
I've feel encouraged to improve my photography skills after watching a fantastic YouTube video by professional photographer, Drew Simms. 

Yellowstone Winter Camping and Wildlife Photography
An Outstanding video

Monday, January 08, 2024

A Bit of Brrr

At Sunrise 8 January 2024


A dusting of snow last night covers the bird seed. Thus, requiring a shovel off, I'm out there early, later than the birds, but early. The light is dull on the photograph. In person, the air is clear enough to show sharp outlines. In the cold, I have to be careful to not breath too close to the lens or else it will fog up the scene a bit.

Why is it when I Google clouds, nearly all the images don't represent the formation I'm searching for? The clouds in the background are clearly stratus, (estimating below 6000 feet). If you have an accurate description, then please leave a comment. Thank you

Happy Bubble Bath Day!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Half Way There Wednesday

A fascination with clothespins [2005]
A Cozy snowfall 
I bought marshmallows yesterday.
A covid pandemic era banner

No words Wednesday?
Waiting for the ferry?
Life at still
Not sure what that is
Looks like apple muffins?

About forgeting the blog subject I was keen to post about,
I'm half way there. I remember the shirt I was wearing.
It will be draped over a chair to help shake out the memory.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Pondering the Profound

Profound ~  adj. ~ Intellectual depth and insight

In the early years on X (formerly known as Twitter), I tweeted that I wanted to post something profound. Nothing to say, comfort online yet to blend into my psyche, I didn't want to come across as a dullard. I have yet in over ten years plus to tweet something I believe is profound.

For autumn 2023 I planned to search out a photograph that encapsulates my ideal representation of the season. I felt for sure a colorful leaf would be in the frame. Alas, another issue took over causing me to stay home, no foliage excursion of note. 

After looking at the numerous autumn photographs in my folders, I realize there is no one photograph that respresents autumn to me. 

What about making up something profound? If I could, then what will I focus on? Nature? Life? The cosmos? Let me think for a moment...


What would fill the garganua space left if all states in America suddenly reduced their lottery games to one drawing a week for only two games?

That isn't as profound as it is scary.

I have laundry to do.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Day 301 of Week 43 in October 2023

Another Vermont field in Autumn.

Scrolling through pictures, the date or where the image is captured is no longer with the details

Snow Geese. I didn't go to the Dead Creek Wildlife Area to see the geese. This season I've not been to the ususal places I visit yearly.

The foliage around town is about the stage of  the maple. There is something about the golden leaves and dark branches that feels classy. At this lower elevation, there is a foliage vibe of a comfy knit throw around my shoulders that I don't sense when I'm in the mountains at peak foliage. Maybe being close to home is what generates that atmosphere of warmth.

I've been up into the wee hours watching videos. That means rising later in the morning for a shorter day. My YouTube watching days are settling like a pond with an old log surfacing enough for turtles to sun themselves. I know why the latest surge of depression. The goal is to push through it by putting aside daydreams, and working on the reality at hand. The canvas in the other room.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Why Photograph

A Squished Pinecone*

Do you feel sorry for everything that shows trace vulnerability? 
Think berry picking. Passing up or tossing the ones that are damaged in some way. Do you think about how a person can relate to not being the perfect one on the branch? 

What's this all about? Well, it is like this. On a slow autumn afternoon, as I lightly recover enough energy to accomplish more than I have been, I look once again to old pictures for a get-a-better-attitude boost (shove actually). There has been a lot of thinking going on here.

I posted a poem born out of this mood of mine on my poetry blog, Coffee Frappes & Seashells, A Pervading. The line that sticks with me is...flitters like a dry leaf, clinging to a dead tree.Those words describe how I feel. The mood is the result of pressing myself to figure out how to turn old habits towards the horizons in life that I face, (largely facing the sunset.)
Take a simple thing like a squished pinecone on the driveway to analyze why I stop to take a photograph. Why blares in my brain. Am I just an eccentric artist? I could be. After all, I am a septuagenarian. That comes with a ten year free to be anomalous me license. 

Over thinking can be entertaining.

How are your autumn afternoons going?

*Taken circa 2004

Friday, September 01, 2023

Starting the Month Ouch Right

Handmade composition viewer
from a cracker box

Preparing for photograph excursions this fall, I want to make my own composition viewers. On YouTube I found a lovely tutorials. 
So there I was chomping on whole wheat Carr's crackers when I decide to cut up the box and make a composition viewer.

The small viewer is covered in blue painter's tape to give it stability. I'll make one with a larger opening, and one that is adjustable.


The last week of August was slow with a few nice weather days. Not summery, but when the sun is out, I feel grateful.

Fall in the air sends my thoughts to a garden project where I plan to put in a nice autumn scene with mums, corn stalks, and pumpkin cut outs in wood and painted.
The short of the story, looking for a jigsaw, I found my old sander on the cupboard top shelf. 
Wrangling it to the edge, I had it right towards my waiting hands when the wire tiered basket (2+ feet tall) on the shelf next to it decides to also tumble. I saw it. I knew where it was going. I just didn't have hands, time, or fast enough reaction to get out of the way or stop it from landing across my forehead above my eye. 
You know what I have now?

An eye sore.*

*No bruising or wound though, just sore. 
Correction, light blue bump, 
Small ice bag slides off when watching YouTube.
I Google head injuries to refresh what I already know.
Head injuries can impact the retina. Years ago that happened,
flashing lights in my peripheral vision. Doctor back then said not detached, but be careful, and go to doctor if it happens again. This accident wasn't that bad, thankfully.

Welcome To September

Cosmos in Morning Sunlight

The morning sun provides lovely light for taking photographs. Consider planting to capture that sunshine in a garden for photography. Those cosmos were gorgeous in person.

Have a Gorgeous Weekend!

Read about or play ping pong
Make a tomato, cheese & bread salad
Browse polyester fall jackets online
Call an old friend
Read a non fiction book
Ask your toes where they've been
Write song lyrics about your day
Shop for embossed rolling pins
Create an apple ice cream sundae
Take a power nap

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Art In Autumn Redux

Autumn in Vermont 2019

I was undecided about going on an foliage excursion this year until I took a look at what I have posted in the past. This year's tours will range from walking to going into the mountains.  Weather permitting. 

What do I want from autumn is the theme. An important part of the season is not just the foliage. It is also the many people that gather with the common desire to embrace the beauty of Nature while harvesting the experience that with others, they build the autumnal community of leaf peepers. People smile at each other. License plates from all over. Pumpkins everywhere. Apples galore. And, touching my heart, are some of the best fall jackets in the world. 

Vermont, New England, Upstate New York, the whole Northeast region is pure magic in the fall.

Reposted from September 3, 2020, Art in Autumn (edited)

Notes for Autumn Art Excursions

1.    Write down pictures that I want to take. 
2.    Use a perspective frame to focus on composition. 
3.    Of the same scenes and subjects, draw ink, pencil, watercolor and color pencil sketches.  
4.    Set a schedule for hours of the day and specific locations. 
5.    Seek out the best spider web on the planet, but don't get too close. 
6.    Sketch leaf people scenes and buildings
7.    Splurge on a good coffee to fill the thermos from home
8.    Don't harvest locations like apples. Spend time embracing the atmosphere of one place at a time.
9.    Include early foliage as well as post peak foliage photographs when possible

 Are you planning an autumn excursion? 

Lincoln Road, Bristol Vermont 2020

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Photograph of February 2023

 Lichen in February

The more I try to find a photograph I like, the more I realize the photo has to discover me. 

Drawn to vibrant mid tone colors, I find shape has less power over what I like in a picture. I then question how I feel about color, the emotion, versus composition, the all of it. Searching color online, I plop down on the intrigue of the Munsell Color System. In Wikipedia, I see the unfamiliar word, colorimetry. And so it goes...

All I wanted is a favorite February photograph.

"There will always be serendipty inlvolved in discovey." 
Jeff Bezos*



Monday, February 03, 2020

Reflection Monday February 2020

 Ambition, goals, objectives

One late January 2020 day, 
I set off to take photographs of the Adirondack Mountains covered in snow. 
There is snow, but in the lower elevations, not as deep as I hoped. 
Not all is lost...good coffee, pleasant people, beautiful scenery.
On the way home, as I'm getting closer to
the Addison Four Corners Store, that has homemade donuts
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
I realize, it is Wednesday.

 Snowy peaks in the higher elevations of the Green Mountains of Vermont

Monday, August 03, 2015

Reflection Monday August 2015

Relax & Splash
Soak feet or hands in lavender scented soapy water
Splash as  you take digital photos, taking care not to get camera wet if it isn't waterproof 
Try no soap for different pictures
Reflect on how much fun a splashing soak can be 

I recommend a deep dish pan or roomy bucket that doesn't scrunch up your feet.
A 5 gallon plastic storage container is ideal.